Well, once again it's been a while since I've written a post. I couldn't let this day go by without reflecting on the past three years. I know some would say why even acknowledge what could very easily be deemed as the worst day of my life. However, if I've learned anything over this time it is to be thankful for every single moment. With this mind set, how could I not recognize the path that God has led my life starting with that very day three years ago. I think back to that dreary, rainy, dreadful day and it brings such emotion. Emotion that I hope I don't ever have to feel again. I can't explain how vulnerable and discouraged you feel when you are told that your chances of living for another 5 years are very, very slim. Especially when your sweet baby girls are just 4, 2 and 7 months old. I am very certain that I cried myself to sleep that night.
Today was a completely different kind of day. All day today, even before my feet touched the floor this morning, I thanked God for every experience I got to have. Every giggle, every hug, every time Mylee got up to bat at her softball game this evening.....not a single moment was taken for granted. I'm so very thankful to still be here to enjoy these sweet blessings. So here's to another 60 years of sweet blessings! Thank you God for healing me!